Codes and Secret Messages
Reference > Mathematics
Backwards Alphabet Code - swap the order of the letters in the alphabet, and then convert all the letters to their opposite!

Codes, Decoding and Secret Messages: How codes are used, and different types of codes, including braille, morse code, computer codes, and more.

Computers 'think' in base two - binary code. Ones and zeros, on and off. Lightswitch analogy used to explain.

Computers and computer programmers use hexadecimal code (base sixteen) to communicate sometimes. It's a bit easier than the Binary code computers 'th

A Matrix Code uses mathematics to encode a message in groups of letters instead of one letter at a time. Requires understanding of matrices and deter

Educational tutorial on Morse Code - Dots and Dashes make up this code designed for telegraph messages by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail.

Leet Speak is a code used by many computer users, especially gamers. Unlike many codes, this one only makes it difficult to read a message, not impos

HTML Code is used to tell a web browser what to display. This simple HTML encoder helps you create an HTML web link.

A cryptographic hash code is a way of producing a chunk of code that cannot be decoded or reproduced.

Educational Tutorial and code puzzles: Codes, Decoding and Secret Messages: How codes are used, and different types of codes, including morse code, co
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